My Top 5 Strengths

My stop five strengths were Strategic, Competition, Intellection, Input, and Achiever.  Cohesively they make me a hard-working and curious individual who loves learning and accomplishing tasks. Having Strategic as a strength means I can quickly evaluate a situation and all its possible outcomes so that I can easily select the best solution by thinking through the problem in a unique way. This strength will help me solve problems quickly in academics by utilizing the creativity it gives me during problem solving and it helps me remember things by making up acronyms for usual facts. Since I can find the “right” way to things quickly I often take on leadership positions and use my creativity to help plan things just as I’ve been doing on executive board of BEGO.

Being an Achiever means that I strive for accomplishment. This will help in academics because I constantly want to get things done and do them well. I like staying busy which is why I’ve joined various clubs on campus. Since I enjoy achieving things, I tend to make friends with other people who are driven since they get things done. This will help push me in the future to continually accomplish something each day, no matter how small. Having Input as a strength makes me very curious about the world around me. I’m always trying to soak things in and am amazed at the smallest things.  In academics this will help me because I constantly store things, even seemly irrelevant facts, to be used for later and to build upon my knowledge. I love interacting with other people who are just as fascinated with the world and talk with them because it further builds to my collection of facts.

Intellection creates a need to learn more. It also makes me very introspective and sometimes antisocial since I like to take time alone to think through things and what they mean. This can help me in academics because I always want to know more and therefore focus on learning and asking questions until I have an answer. Over time this will help me learn more about myself and the world through my inquiry and reflection. Competition makes me compare my progress with others and incites a desire in me to win. In academics this pushes me to be at the top of the class which helps me work harder. In life I motivate others with this strength and we make each other better. In the future, competition will constantly make me strive to be the best and accomplish a lot.