
Thursday Feb 20

08.00 am: Continental Breakfast

08.30 am: Welcome and Charge

  • Paula Mouser (Biodiversity project
  • Jeff Daniels (SERC Director and SES Professor)
  • Tim Carr (Shale Energy Initiatives at WVU)

09.00am: Battelle Summary of O&G projects

  • Neeraj Gupta
  • Matthew Place

09.10 am: Introduction of other participants

09.20 am: Legacy DOE Terrestrial Drilling

  • Jim Fredrickson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
  • Tommy Phelps (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

10.00 am: Round Table Discussion

10.10 am: Coffee Break

10.20 am: Carbon/Biomarkers in Shale/Basalt/Deep Sea Sediments

  • Susan Pfiffner (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
  • Elizabeth Denis (Pennsylvania State University)

11.00 am: Round Table Discussion

11.10 am: Deep Rock Drilling

  • T. C. Onstott (Princeton)
  • Tom Kieft (New Mexico Tech)
  • Lee Petersen (Itasca Consulting Group)

12.10 pm: Round Table Discussion

12.30 pm: Lunch/Ongoing discussion

01.30 pm: Deep Subsurface Genomics

  • Jen Biddle (University of Delaware)
  • Matt Schrenk (Michigan State University)

02.30 pm: Final Discussion/Participants Adjourn

03.00 pm: Panelists Closed Session