Prototype 0

For our initial Prototype, we decided to build a scaled-down works-like model of one of our concepts. An image of this initial concept can be found below.

This concept received a perfect score of 6 in our Concept Ideation Phase where we judged how many of the following six criteria each one of our initial ideas met.

1. Design creates a separation from work-life and home-life
2. Design should not be intrusive
3. Design should be compatible with various desk sizes without impeding existing setups
4. Design must reduce/insulate noise from both the surroundings and coming from inside workspace
5. Design should promote adequate lighting
6. Design should allow for maximum comfort at the workspace

More information on this process can be found by visiting our Concept Ideation page from the tabs above.

Prototype 0 Functional Walkthrough

To demonstrate how our Prototype 0 works, a video was shot walking through some of the features of the design and benefits that it offers.

Prototype 0 Reflection

Our reflection of what we learned from this prototype phase can be found here.