Improvements in Prototype 1

We decided for the Prototype 1 iteration, we would create all 4 of our top-rated ideas:

  • The large panels mounted to wheels that move around a room
  • The telescoping rods that pop out of a desk to create privacy on the sides
  • Panels that nest on the sides of a desk and have internal telescoping rods that pop up for privacy from behind
  • A desk hutch with maybe additional privacy screens that come out from above to add privacy behind

These may not make sense right now, but we were able to meet in person to flesh them out! So Wednesday of this past week we met in the Product Design capstone room in Scott (wearing masks and maintaining distance) to put together prototypes of each idea and discuss their efficacy. We found that since we’ve all gotten somewhat proficient in making online meetings productive, meeting in person was so much more efficient because we were able to use our hands and a shared piece of paper to get our ideas across. Very exciting!

Pictures and descriptions to come, posted to Prototyping > Prototype 1.

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