Conceal & Reveal

The Conceal – Showing “bright” as in intelligence.
The Reveal – Showing “bright” as in reflecting light.
My closed Tunnel Book with an image of the sun as my clasp.

Project Statement

In this assignment, I am using design compositions to communicate a homonym. To do this, I created a tunnel book to communicate both of the definitions to the viewer; the first one is revealed right away while the other is concealed at first, then revealed when light shines through the back of the book. I prioritized using light and shadow, positive and negative space, and the design elements and principles to create my book’s design. The homonym I chose is “bright.” One definition is “smart or intelligent,” while the other is “giving off or reflecting a lot of light.” My main goal was to find a way to intertwine the imagery between the two meanings to create a very harmonious design. I still wanted the viewer to be able to know what the two definitions are, but also unify them. My goal was to make people feel bright and inspired while looking at my design. Not only do I want them to see the word, but also feel it. In my first layer, I have the simple silhouette of a person looking to the left. In my second layer, I have the person’s brain shown. When light is passed through the tunnel book, a lightbulb is shown, with the cursive lettering of “bright” as the filament and illuminated reflecting lines. Ultimately, I achieved my goal and represented my homonym in a clear but unique way. 


View detailed project process at Conceal & Reveal: Process


This project was overall very enjoyable! I think it challenged me to think in a new way and be able to come up with ideas/iterations on the fly. I loved being able to come up with my own imagery to communicate a message to the viewer. I learned how to think quick but thorough, which is something I will definitely need in my design future. I learned some valuable techniques on Illustrator, and will continue to try and get better at it day by day. I did struggle with a few things, however. The main thing was getting my tunnel book to close and look right. It still is not to my expectations, but I got it as best as I could. If given more time, I would have spent it making the closed book look better. Additionally, I had some struggles with the shapes of the head and lightbulb. They looked a little lopsided at first, but I then used drawing techniques involving circles to get them right. Also, I would have changed a few minor details and maybe tried to add some color, although I do like the way it looks now. Overall, I am pleased with my project and have learned a lot about myself as a designer as well.

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