Three Years Later…

Just some memories and reflections from my junior year at Ohio State.

Studying Abroad in Jordan – My first semester was spent studying abroad in Amman, Jordan. Through the CIEE Middle East Studies program and the care of my host family, I learned about Jordanian history and culture – developing a love of shawarma and hummus along the way. I took the bus every day down Shaaria al-Jamiah to my internship at the Center for Strategic Studies (CSS) at the University of Jordan, where I learned about Jordanian politics and economic development. I hiked through Petra, snorkeled in the port of Aqaba, picked olives in Ajloun, and floated in the Dead Sea. All said, my Arabic and haggling skills have improved drastically. Studying abroad was an incredibly challenging and enriching experience!

Wadi Rum Desert

My Jordanian Host Family

Researching Justice After Violence – I continued to develop my skills as a researcher and pursue new, fascinating inquiries on transitional justice after atrocity. I began work on my thesis research project, conducting interviews with Syrians in Jordan about their perceptions of justice after conflict. These conversations were so humbling and insightful, and I am immensely grateful for others willing to share their experiences. This summer, I will be embarking on a photo-essay project in Cambodia, focusing on the memorialization of genocide. Studying violence can be difficult at times, but I have heard incredible testimonies of resilience and hope.

Spring Undergraduate Research Festival (With my Adviser, Dr. Brehm)

Mentoring for Refuge – This year, my mentee of 2.5 years graduated from high school and from Refuge – a mentorship program aimed at making higher education an attainable goal for refugee and immigrant students. I have been so proud to work with my mentee and see her tackle every challenge on her road to college. Next year, I will be shifting to a position on the Refuge Executive Board as Operations Chair, and I can’t wait to see how this organization will grow in the next year.

Serving with the Newman Catholic Center – The Buckeye Catholic community has been a constant source of spiritual growth and fellowship in my college career. During spring semester, I had the privilege of serving on the leadership team for Buckeye Awakening #20 – a weekend-long retreat for students to encounter Christ. Next year, I am delighted to resume my role as Bible Study leader. I am rooted in His goodness!

Buckeye Awakening #20 Leadership Team

This summer, I will be heading back to Washington DC, while detouring to Germany to present my research. None of this would have been possible without Ohio State’s investment in me and the unending support of my family, friends and professors – so THANK YOU!

The Halfway Point

As my sophomore year at Ohio State draws to a close, I’d like to take some time to reflect on the lessons I’ve learned this past year.

Being a “Nerd” is Code for Having Found Your Passion—This year, I picked up a second major in Sociology, so I can continue to study issues of war and conflict from a perspective that considers how we make decisions as individuals and as a society. My classes this year have immersed me in the literature on international conflict resolution and provided me with practical skills for pursuing a career in sustainable peace. Highlights include Strategies of War and Peace, Peacekeeping and Collective Security, and Rebuilding Weak and Failed States. Top reading suggestion: The Justice Cascade by Kathryn Sikkink.

Usually Asking Questions Leads to More Questions—I started undergraduate research last year, as an assistant for Dr. Hollie Nyseth Brehm, a leading scholar in the field of genocide and mass violence. The experience inspired my own questions about how transitional justice works in post-conflict societies. I traveled to Rwanda in June 2017 to interview genocide survivors about the Gacaca courts and presented my preliminary findings at the 2018 Denman Forum. Looking forward, I’ve written my thesis research proposal, which addresses other factors influencing individuals’ perceptions of transitional justice processes in the Syrian case.

We Have a Powerful Voice—Raising awareness about the issues in our community, our country, and our world is the first step to bringing social change. As a Virtual Intern for the U.S. Department of State, I have been able to research human rights violations in South Sudan and tell the stories of survivors. Our Eminence Fellows cohort spent the year developing Enlighten, an organization dedicated to creating a culture of compassion for survivors of human trafficking in Columbus. This was my second year as a mentor for Refuge, which seeks to empower refugee and immigrant high schoolers to pursue higher education through mentorship. Our voices are impactful, and they are needed.

I would be nowhere without the support of my family, friends, professors, advisors and classmates—I truly stand on the shoulders of giants. As I head off to spend the summer interning in Washington D.C. followed by a semester abroad in Amman, Jordan, I say a bittersweet goodbye to Columbus until January 2019.