March 6th Makeup


  1. It is important for scientists to effectively communicate with others for many reasons. In order for people to take the correct actions that are backed by science, they need to know all of the facts about the appropriate topic. Science also provides a clear way to categorize information into a pros and cons list which can be helpful in deciding if action and which actions need to take place.
  2.  An issue that I am passionate about is climate change. Science can be used to better understand the causes and effects of climate change. Science can also be used to come up with new ways to combat climate change. Scientists have already made many strides in making more sustainable technology. More research and overall work need to be done in order to fix the current state of our environment.
  3. I think Dr. Wilson’s approach to the EPA lawsuit was very impactful. I strongly believe that Dr. Wilson staying on the advisory board even when the EPA was pushing people like her to resign was the right thing to do. I also think a lawsuit towards the EPA is a good idea. It not only brings light to the issues but gives scientists like her a platform to speak out against the EPA’s actions. I also believe that Dr. Wilson side is correct, just because a scientist receives funding does not mean they are incapable of fairly serving on a board. Many scientists could not do the work that they do without the funding they receive. There is a risk that Dr. Wilson’s funding could be taken away due to this lawsuit, but I believe that is a risk worth taking. If one sees a problem and has the means to fix it and yet does nothing, then what will the world be?

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