Year in Review




Throughout the year, I learned many things about living independently and learning on my own. It was a major change in lifestyle, living on campus at Ohio State.

I lived at home for all of my life prior to coming to OSU, and I have always depended on my parents for most of my needs and wants. Once I came to Ohio State, I have begun to learn to support myself, in doing necessary tasks and to take the initiative in forwarding my progress towards my career.


In the STEM scholars program, I have grown as a person, following the tenets of G.O.A.L.S. Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, Service Engagement.

I have tried to follow these tenets, which I feel would make me a more well rounded person.

According to the Honors and Scholars website,


Global Awareness

Honors & Scholars students will examine what it means to be global citizens by enrolling in coursework with an international focus; studying, researching, or interning abroad; or participating in internationally focused activities such as service, work, or student organizations.  Students will cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences.

Original Inquiry

Honors & Scholars students will understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community.

Academic Enrichment

Honors & Scholars students will pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.  Students will be able to contextualize their formal education with respect to career and life options.

Leadership Development

Honors & Scholars students will develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.  Students will be assisted by the Center with connecting to those leadership opportunities that best meet their interests and talents.

Service Engagement

Honors & Scholars students will commit to service to the community.  Students will be exposed to the many social issues prevalent in society by partaking in a variety of service opportunities offered through the Center and other departments on campus.  Students will connect their service experiences to their specific major or area of interest whenever possible.​​

Following these tenets, I have grown as a person, spiritually and personally. Participating in activities that celebrate our differences and the uniqueness of different cultures is vital to coexist with others and to gain mutual respect and trust. I hope that by volunteering with student organizations and focusing on leveling the playing field for underprivileged people, I can make a difference in the world. To me, that is one of the most important things, making sure that everyone has the same opportunity for greatness and no one is left behind because of their background or the environment that they were raised in.

I have always been dedicated to the pursuit of enrichment in and out of the classroom. In the classroom, I always try to attempt any extra credit that is offered to the class to enrich my educational experience. In addition, I attempt to work out additional related materials that are not assigned in class to gain a better understanding of the fundamental concepts. Before taking classes at Ohio State, I had entirely self taught myself programming. I saw the benefit in learning how to code, and I took the initiative to begin the informal learning process.