
Global Awareness:

“Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences.”

As a biracial minority, I feel that global awareness is an important aspect of my future, in my career and in my personal beliefs. Being aware of the plights of the downtrodden and underprivileged is an important responsibility that everyone should take seriously. I feel that as a minority in a more resource extensive environment, it is my obligation to act as an advocate for those without as many resources as me.

One of the most life changing experiences that I have ever had was when I visited Panama, the birthplace of my father. My family and I arrived and we explored the areas of the country that give a true indication of the systemic poverty and quality of life that most of the world experiences. It really opened my eyes to the inequality of our society, and it inspired me to spread awareness of the situation with people in power. Through the Honors and Scholars program, I feel that I can make a difference in the world, through the spread of culture and awareness.

Participating in activities that celebrate our differences and the uniqueness of different cultures is vital to coexist with others and to gain mutual respect and trust. I hope that by volunteering with student organizations and focusing on leveling the playing field for underprivileged people, I can make a difference in the world. To me, that is one of the most important things, making sure that everyone has the same opportunity for greatness and no one is left behind because of their background or the environment that they were raised in.

Over the next semester, I plan on becoming more involved with organizations on campus to further minorities and underprivileged people. I hope to eventually take a service trip to help benefit those in a less fortunate scenario than myself, or possibly set up a group to spread awareness about the unfortunate plight of these people in an effort to spark change.


Original Inquiry:

“Students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects.”

I have always been dedicated to the pursuit of enrichment in and out of the classroom. In the classroom, I always try to attempt any extra credit that is offered to the class to enrich my educational experience. In addition, I attempt to work out additional related materials that are not assigned in class to gain a better understanding of the fundamental concepts. Before taking classes at Ohio State, I had entirely self taught myself programming. I saw the benefit in learning how to code, and I took the initiative to begin the informal learning process.

This will help me in my desired field of study, as a lot of what computer software engineers do is to continuously keep up with emergent technologies in the electronic and software industry. My natural tendency to learn more, coupled with the habits formed in the STEM scholars program should help me to continuously grow intellectually.

During the next semester, I plan on learning new technology on a regular basis, first learning the basics, eventually learning how to create at least one interesting application with the technology. Over the summer, I hope to have more time to devote to my own free form of learning.