Software Development Interest

I am interested in the development of software, full stack.

I have always had an interest in making things, and with the technology available now, it has never been easier.


There are tons of resources that are available for everyone that I can use to get better at developing. Here are some I’ve found.

  1. Jarvis Johnson, this youtuber was a software developer for many high profile companies, and has a knack for explaining how the industry works and how to be successful in the industry. He is experienced in the field, and has very good advice.
  2. The Daily WTF, this is a blog site that humorously depicts errors and software bugs. This is important to see how not to do things, and although it takes a comedic view on these errors, it is good to be familiar with them as to not fall into the same traps.
  3. Cracking the Coding Interview,  a book that details the common practices of Software companies trying to hire people. It has lots of good information on how to prepare for an interview, how to write your resume and also what to get better at. It has always been helpful in my interviews getting internships.
  4. Review on Software Cost and Effort Estimation Techniques for Agile Development Process. This paper is a study of how Agile development practices work, and whether or not companies should use it. It is important for a Software Developer to know the practices of Agile and to be familiar when to use it and when not to use it. The more knowledge you have about the flow, the better suggestions you may have when planning projects.
  5. News article about Microsoft and Facebook’s push into AI, this is a news article about Microsoft and Facebook and their continued focus on AI and machine learning. It is always important to consider what is popular in the industry as to hone your skills and be more likely to land a job. A huge part of Software development and engineering is always being on top of the latest technology, and being vigilant to the changing environment.


Finding a Good Workspace

Sometimes it’s hard to find somewhere where you can just pound out some homework. Trying to do it at home can sometimes lead to distractions, whether it’s roommates or your own ability to get distracted, so it is important to create or find a workspace that suits you.

First you must asses your current workspace to ensure that you are not working somewhere that is not suitable for serious work inadvertently.

  1. Check your level of comfort
  2. Check for Distractions
  3. Check for the materials that you need
  4. Check for availablility

Once you have assessed your current workspace, if it does not fit your criteria for a good workspace, you must then find a new one that does.


For me, I like to study in my room, as my roommates are usually studying in other locations, so my room is quiet and I can focus myself on the task at hand.

Staying on time

Staying on task and on time for assignments is difficult, particularly for online courses. The best way to stay on top of the pile is to set deadlines for yourself and to use the GOALS system. By setting reasonable goals that are achievable and measurable, you can keep motivation to work on your task and also be done in a timely matter.


One TED talk that really helped me understand this concept is about the mindset of procrastination. This video helped me greatly realize that I can overcome things just from a simple perspective shift. Don’t look at your problems as I can do it later, set goals for yourself to get them done now.

Group Work

Sometimes it is hard to get work done. It’s difficult to gear up and get yourself into gear, pulling motivation from thin air. Now think about doing that not only for yourself, but for 2 or 3 other people in your class that you barely know.


Group work is difficult normally, but in an online class it can be even more challenging to engage with your fellow classmates. What I recommend is to truly connect with your teammates. Try to get to know them outside of a classroom context. Getting to know your teammates is useful, for your motivation as well as their’s. By getting to know each other as more than a digital account, you are less likely to skip out on your responsibilities as you are letting down an actual person.

Another technique is to really get everything nailed down schedule wise right away. These deadlines help everyone else to manage their work on time.