Module 5: Blog Post

This week’s module is about the notetaking and how to successfully condense information from digital materials like videos and podcasts.


The important takeaways from this module is to practice active listening during lectures. This entails truly listening and trying to comprehend the lesson and not just blindly writing things down. In the lecture, some tips that were given were to take notes while listening to the lecture. It will help the student to condense the lecture into the main points of the lesson. It also helps the student understand the message of the lecture.  It can help students to organize the ideas included, and they can revisit the notes later to study for exams or other projects.

I think this lecture was helpful, as many times I have to watch or listen to lectures and often times, I am not sure what to do while watching. Now that I know that there are others that have this problem, I can use this to find a solution. Having a definitive guide to taking notes on videos and podcasts. I am going to utilize the ability of active listening from now on, and I hope it will be very useful in future lectures that I take.

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