Artifact #1


This picture comes from my engineering group’s Lab on a Chip analysis video. We had to design, test and analyze a portable chip to test the concentration of fluorescein in a mixture of water and fluorescein. This is used to detect the outbreak of dry eye syndrome which, when caught early, is easily treatable.

This project was related to the STEM scholar’s GOALS, specifically to Academic Enrichment and Original Inquiry. Throughout the project, the team was required to come up with original and creative ideas to improve the data readings from the chip. The team was also tasked with coming up with insightful and meaningful analyses about the efficiency of the chip. I learned how to make meaningful and insightful analyses on technical documents.





Resume 2016

STEM Scholars Applicability of Talents

In the STEM Scholars program, many skills are transferable to the professional domain. An area that benefits from my experience in the STEM program is networking. I have never been to so many places, interacting with so many people, whom are knowledgeable in their fields and are well connected. By having the opportunity to meet and interact with these people, I am practicing my networking abilities at the same time, I am actually making connections with people in the industry that I am interested in finding a career.

Another field that transfers from my experiences with the STEM Scholars program is the level of Academic excellence. One skill I learned from the STEM scholars program is how to study efficiently. I learned that one should try to practice subject matters that they are unfamiliar with, and challenge their mind rather than practice what they are good at.

Finally, I also have an appreciation for service engagement. Through continuous engagement with volunteer groups for the STEM Scholars group, I have grown accustomed and familiar with the level of service that would help educate and aid many people. I hope to continue this trend of service engagement in the future.