This paper reports the results of an analysis on social targeting of subsidies for conservation, finding that it is more cost effective to socially target incentives for wetlands.
This paper reports the results of an analysis on social targeting of subsidies for conservation, finding that it is more cost effective to socially target incentives for wetlands.
New paper looking at the role of trust in risk managers and environmental values in understanding beliefs about water quality across the rural to urban gradient. The results indicate that beliefs are heuristically driven by trust in agricultural institutions and local governments, in particular among those who identify as Republican and have connections to agriculture.
Check out this new podcast talking about conservation on private lands and more integrated ways to understand how landowners and managers make decisions.
New paper in Journal of Environmental Management demonstrating that farmer behavioral influences vary by the stage of change. For example, perceived ability is important at all stages, information is critical in the middle, and operating a larger farm supports action at early & late stages.
Former MS student Cole Soldo had his paper titled “Farmer willingness to implement constructed wetlands in the Western Lake Erie Basin” published in the Journal of Environmental Management. You can check out his full thesis here!