Earth Month Commitment

The area that I am choosing to focus on for Earth Month is Energy and Transportation. I was drawn to this area because, as an engineer, I am very conscious of energy consumption and efficiency. In addition to this, I attended the presentation on energy at Morill Tower and seeing how much energy we use as a dorm and how much room for improvement there is made me want to do my part. Fifteen things that someone could do to decrease the amount of energy they use and make Morill Tower more efficient include: (1) take colder showers, (2) turn off the water when you brush your teeth, (3) take shorter showers, (4) bike to places off campus instead of taking the bus, (5) walk to and from class every day, (6) take the stairs rather than the elevator, (7) turn the lights off when you leave a room, (8) unplug your phone and laptop when they are fully charged instead of leaving them plugged in all night, (9) do a “light bulb raid” and stop by different places around campus to replace their lightbulbs with more energy efficient ones, (10) go outside instead of playing video games or watching TV, (11) turn your laptop off when you are not using it instead of letting it go into sleep mode, (12) set the thermostat to a few degrees colder (or warmer in the summer) and dress for the weather, (13) do laundry only when you have a full load, (14) do not turn all of the lights on in a room unless you need them all, (15) Wash your clothes with cold water whenever possible.

One good resource around campus that will help you save energy is the CoGo, which is a bike rental service that allows you to get around campus without creating any waste and without having to worry about getting your bike stolen. Another resource that would be helpful is the Car2Go service, which allows you to rent a car and pay a small amount based on how long you use it. Not only does this cost incentivize you to not let the car run for too long, but all of the cars used by the business are smart cars, which are extremely efficient. Finally, a good resource for someone who wants to reduce their energy impact is the OSU Office of Sustainability because you can learn anything you need to know about how to save energy there, including how to get involved and ways that you can personally save energy.

One good website that can help you to reduce your environmental impact is the World Wildlife Fund website, which has a great page that gives examples of how to save energy in almost every aspect of your life. A second example of a website that is extremely helpful in reducing your environmental impact is the FLOW website.  The purpose of trying to use less energy is to try to limit environmental destruction, but rather than limiting it, FLOW is actually trying to restore the environment, thus making your lifestyle less harmful overall if you volunteer with them. A third website that could be helpful is a site called, which has a page that discusses many ways to purchase food that is better for the environment. The website also gives several examples of foods that have the least environmental impacts, which can help you eat healthier and keep the Earth healthier. Finally, a great website that can help you reduce your environmental impact is the OSU ARC website, specifically the outdoor recreation page. This page gives numerous examples and opportunities to get outside and away from electronics to participate in activities that have little to no impact on the environment and use almost no energy.

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