Education and Outreach

Engagement Videos

Understanding Climate Change Risks and Identifying Opportunities for Mitigation and Adaptation in Ohio

On 30 March 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability and in February, Climate Change: Evidence and Causes was published jointly by the National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society. On 15 May, 2014, the BPCRC and the Ohio State Office of Energy and Environment held a conference to learn more about the impacts of climate change on agriculture, forests, infrastructure, public health, and Lake Erie.  from some of Ohio State’s most respected scientists. I presented “Prediction versus Projection: How weather forecasts and climate model differ” to give the audience a little background on the differences between weather and climate and their models differ as well.

Improving Teacher Quality

This presentation aligns with principle 5 of The Essential Principles of Climate Science: Our understanding of the climate system is improved through observations, theoretical studies, and modeling.  This presentation was made for elementary school educators workshop in the summer of 2013, which has led to additional school visits and climate related activities.

From Byrd Polar Research Center on Vimeo.

Drone Video of BPCRC and Introduction of our Weather Station thanks to the generous donations from the Salt family.

From Byrd Polar Research Center on Vimeo.

PolaSlide1r Frontier Exhibit

As a component of my Masters degree, I was fortunate to work with Columbus Zoo and Aquarium administration personnel responsible for the design and implementation of the Polar Frontier Exhibit. My main responsibilities included using the numerical weather prediction model (Polar WRF), designed and implemented at the BPCRC by the PMG, to display the weather forecast for the Arctic in the Battelle Ice Bear Outpost. This, along with other BPCRC education materials have been on display since May 2010. It was an honor to be a part of some of the earliest design meetings inside the old church that is now the Batelle Ice Bear Outpost. Although not all of the ideas imagined during those early planning meetings have come to fruition, the Polar Frontier Exhibit has been a huge success for the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and the city of Columbus.

Relevant Sites Related to the Polar Frontier




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