Courses Designed

Courses Taught

The Ohio State University – Graduate Teaching Associate (Courses taught independently)

  • 1st-year Russian  (Russian 101, 102) –  Fall 2011; Winter 2012
  • 2nd-year Russian (Russian 2104) –  Fall 2012
  • Advanced Russian (Russian 4101, 4102) – Fall, 2013; Spring, 2014
  • Russian Individualized Instruction (one-on-one Russian courses of all levels) – Fall 2010
  • The Modern Russian Experience Through Film – Winter, Spring 2011; Spring 2012
  • Masterpieces of Russian Literature (Russian 2250) – Spring 2013
  • Central Asia in World Affairs (International Studies 501), Spring 2012

The College of Wooster (Wooster, Ohio) – Visiting Lecturer

  • Russian Culture Through Film (RUS 220), Spring 2012

Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia) – Fulbright ETA

  • English Conversation, Topics in American Culture, 2007-2008
  • Intermediate and Advanced English, 2007-2008

Other Teaching Experience

  • Trainer of incoming Grad TA’s at UCAT Teacher Training, Ohio State University (2014)
  • Finalist for “Graduate Teacher of the Year,” Ohio State College of Arts & Sciences  (2013)

Russian Teaching Blog

Below is a link to my blog/repository for teaching activities for the Russian language classroom. The idea behind this project is to increase students’ exposure to authentic cultural materials and digital media–films, clips of tv shows, music videos, etc.–as well as engage them with the Russian-language community online, while also teaching the essential grammar and vocabulary topics:

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(click to visit site)