- Retired after 22 years as a Quality Assurance Engineer
- Goodrich Aerospace (now UTAS) – Aircraft Wheels and Brakes Division
- Married for 40 years to Charles Balmer, – Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering / University of Dayton
- 2 sons
- Matthew – Bachelor Degree in Music Education / University of Oklahoma. Currently completing Masters Degree in Music Education / Eastern Michigan University (How can 2 engineers produce a musician?)
- James – Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering / University of Dayton
Favorite Memories:
- I remember that both the College of Engineering and the ChemE Dept. were very accepting of women. My sophomore year Dean Boltz encouraged the women to form a club (Society of Women Engineers). Several years later we learned there was a national organization, and the ladies became members of that. My professors were always encouraging – a very progressive view for the sixties.
- This may not be a favorite memory, but it is definitely vivid. The summer of Unit Ops I lived in a dorm on North Campus. As usual, Friday night was spent analyzing the week’s data into a presentation for Saturday morning. We had worked all day on the equipment, and after dinner we met at the apartment of one of the team members to do the write up. We worked well into the night, and by the time I returned to the dorm, it was after 2 AM. I knew it would be a late night, so I had signed out as required by the rules (a quaint custom compared to now). But after two, they locked the door to the dorm. You had to ring a bell, and the staff would come and let you in. As I waited for the girl to open the door, I turned around to enjoy the night. The heat of the day was gone, and the temperature was perfect. The moon was out, and the stars were lovely. A truly poetic scene. I looked around and off to the side was a couple, making out with great enthusiasm. I thought to myself. She’s been out with a guy and look how enjoyable her night is ending. I’ve spent the night with 5 guys, and all I have to show for it is a report. There is something not quite fair about this.
- I started with the class of ’69, but after dropping out for 2 years for financial reasons, I graduated with the class of ’71. I worked for 7 years as the chemist in the plating department for an aircraft lighting company, and became quite knowledgeable in metal finishing. After taking time off to start my family, I spent 22 years as a Quality Assurance Engineer with Goodrich Corp., at their Aerospace Division in Troy, Ohio. They design and build aircraft wheels and brakes. I focused on Special Processes such as metal finishing. I also was responsible for training and certifying Nondestructive Testing personnel. I was deeply involved in both ISO 9000 and NADCAP certification for the company. I retired in 2006, and I absolutely love it.
- My husband and I enjoy motorcycle riding. His hobby is building scale model steam locomotives, and we belong to a Cincinnati based live steam club called Cinder Sniffers. (You can find them on the web at Cinder We do have our own small track in the back yard, but we love to run the engines at the club track. Lately we’ve also been taking them to display at model shows.
- I volunteer 2 days a week at a local elementary school helping 5th graders with math and reading. I am also very active doing service for the Baha’i Faith, my religion.
- VP Operations, Zeon Chemicals (BFGoodrich Rubber Division), retired
- My wife, Sharon, and I have three children. The oldest received a BS in Agri. Engr. from OSU in 1999.
- We also have six grandchildren.
Favorite Memories:
- Being in the last class taught by Dr. Koffolt.
- Unit Ops Lab
- Spring break trip to Industry
- Board of Advisors – University of Louisville Speed School of Engineering
- Travel 25% of the time since retirement
- Favorite trips include Bora Bora, a hut on the water; golfing in Scotland (St. Andrews, Carnoustie, Muirfield, Gleneagles, North Berwick, Royal Dornoch, & others)
- Harry Hershey, Jack Zakin, John Kreinbrink
SAMUEL S. TAM (’73 BSChE, ’75 MSChE)
- 2009 – present, Division Director, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- 2006 – 2009, Director of Technology, Headwaters, Inc.
- 2000 – 2006, Vice President of Advanced Process, Nexant, Inc.
- 1988 – 2000, Manager of Technology, Bechtel Corp.
- 1980 -1988, Sr. Process Specialist, BP America
- 1975 – 1980, Sr. Production Engineer, Dow Chemical Company
- I have two daughters and a wife whom I met at Ohio State. The older daughter works in venture capital and the younger daughter is an anesthesiologist.
- I have two grandchildren, 6 and 4 years old.
Favorite Memories:
- Invitation to Dr. Brodkey’s Friday night party
- My career has been involved with technologies related to natural gas, oil, and coal utilization.
- The two most exciting areas are R&D and business development because I have to work simultaneously with intelligent scientists, demanding bankers, and Government bureaucrats.