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Events: Please note all events are subject to change. To see our full NW Ohio Newsletter with events for the area, click here
Williams County Events
New Applicator Crash Course
Date: Thursday, March 27
Time: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Williams County Fairgrounds – Gillette Building, 619 East Main Street, Montpelier, OH 43543
Details: This Pesticide Applicator “Crash Course” class is designed to help participants prepare for the Ohio private applicator CORE, Category 1, and Category 2 exams administered by the ODA. Study guides need to be purchased separately. An additional study by the participants is encouraged beyond the time spent in the class. Other resources will made available for other certification categories. Participants can elect to test with ODA following the program on another date.
Location: Williams County Fairgrounds – Gillette Building, 619 East Main Street, Montpelier, OH 43543
Details: Kayla Wyse is The Ohio State University Agriculture and Natural Resource Educator here in Williams County. Kayla has a passion for all aspects of the agriculture industry. Floriculture Design is one of the newer programs that Kayla has brought to our local county schools and community.