The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Mitigating Immediate Harmful Impacts of COVID-19 on Farms and Ranches selling through Local and Regional Food Markets

Bottom Line Across key local and regional markets (i.e., farmers markets, farm to school, food hubs serving other institutions, and restaurants) we expect to see up to a $688.7 million decline in sales leading to a payroll decline of up…

Extension Office Closed to Public

The Williams County office will be open until Wednesday, March 18 at 4:30 p.m. Though we are closed, all employees in our office will still be working full time from remote locations. We want to continue to serve our community,…

2019 eFields Report is Now Available

2019 eFields Report is Now Available

By:  Elizabeth Hawkins and John Fulton Now that 2019 has come to an end, many of us are ready to leave the memories of the challenges we faced last season behind. However, the weather conditions we dealt with provided us…

Good-bye 2019, Hello 2020

Good-bye 2019, Hello 2020

By:  Stephanie Karhoff I try not to wish away time, but it felt good to turn the calendar over, and say good-bye (or maybe good riddance) to 2019. An unprecedented amount of acres were left unplanted in Northwest Ohio, including…