The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Cover Crop Considerations After Wheat

By:  Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension AgNR Educator, Crawford County (originally published in The Ohio Farmer) Wheat provides many additional opportunities for your operation. These options include drainage improvements, weed-control timing, double-crop soybeans, double-crop forages, compaction mitigation, and soil building through cover…

Teff, Italian ryegrass, oats and corn were included with 5 other ‘covers’ in this study

Late Planted Corn Silage Yields Value

By:  Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Henry County; Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Crawford County; Allen Gahler, OSU Extension Sandusky County (originally published in Ohio Farmer on-line) The combination of poor quality hay made in 2018, historic alfalfa winter kill, and excessive rainfall across most…

While there are some visual and sensory characteristics to look at, the only sure fire way to determine quality is to pull a sample and do a forage analysis.

Buying Hay; Consider Quality and Value

By: Garth Ruff, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, OSU Henry County Extension As 2018 was a lousy year for making dry hay across the state, 2019 wasn’t much better or perhaps worse yet. For those who have to purchase…

Where and how hay is stored can have a huge impact on the quality and quantity that’s available to be used for feed

Your Hay Storage Impacts Quality and Quanity

By:  David Dugan, OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Adams County With the calendar turning to November, and the temperatures dropping below freezing several mornings now, the time to feed hay is near, if not already here. Several have…

Much of Ohio’s 2019 first cutting grass hay was beyond optimum maturity when it was harvested. Laboratory analysis indicates little if any first cutting has adequate quality to meet the nutritional needs of bred cows in late gestation or lactation.

Hay, just how bad is it?

By:  Ted Wiseman and Dean Kreager, OSU Extension You may be thinking enough already with the hay quality talk. Many articles have been sent out on this topic starting before some people even baled their first cutting. Last year a…