The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Effects Of Flooding Or Ponding On Corn Prior To Tasseling

By:  Bob Nielsen, Purdue University The consequences of flooding, ponding, and saturated soils on young corn depend heavily on the duration of the stress and temperatures. Intense rainfall events (technically referred to as “toad stranglers” or “goose drownders”) flood low-lying…

Cold Weather Impact on Corn and Soybean

Cold Weather Impact on Corn and Soybean

By:  Alexander Lindsey and Laura Lindsey In Ohio, between May 9 and 10, temperatures were as low as 26°F with some areas even receiving snow. The effect on corn and soybean depends on both temperature, duration of low temperature, and…

The Emergence Process In Corn

By:  Bob Nielsen, Purdue University Successful germination alone does not guarantee successful emergence of a corn crop. Elongation of the mesocotyl must elevate the coleoptile to the soil surface before the inner true leaves emerge from the protective tissue of…

OSU Extension Seeking Farmer Cooperators for Fallow Syndrome eFields Trial

OSU Extension Seeking Farmer Cooperators for Fallow Syndrome eFields Trial

By:  Stephanie Karhoff Wet weather conditions last spring prevented Williams County farmers from planting over 85,000 acres (USDA-Farm Service Agency Crop Acreage Data). When fields are left unplanted or fallow, there may be a decline in beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, which…

Event Notice - 2019 eFields Regional Meeting

Event Notice – 2019 eFields Regional Meeting

By:  Stephanie Karhoff Interested in learning more about the 2019 eFields study results in Williams County and across the state? Then, make plans to join us on Wednesday, February 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at 1425 East High…