Winter is around the corner; are you ready?

By:  Victor Shelton, NRCS State Agronomist/Grazing Specialist

Winter is around the corner; are you ready? Photo by Chris Hollen

The rains are finally replenishing reserves in most areas. Though a bit late for some things, it is still a boost for forages that have been stockpiled and they have leaped in compensatory growth! Ideally, this stockpile is best used after it goes dormant in order to not slow next spring’s growth. Dormancy often requires several nights in a row at 25 degrees or lower. That type of weather isn’t far away. Once dormant, the forage can be grazed with less harm to the plant’s energy reserves. When it is grazed, it can be taken down a bit closer than normal but leaving good residual. That good stop grazing height will slow runoff over winter, reduce any erosion and help springboard growth next season. If you open up the sod too much in early winter, you also possibly open the site up for more weeds too. Continue reading Winter is around the corner; are you ready?

Beef Producers Should Consider Signing Up for CFAP-2

By:  David Marrison, Extension Educator, ANR, Coshocton County

Deadline to sign-up for CFAP-2 is December 11, 2020

The COVID pandemic has created disruption in many areas of agriculture.  Instead of our usual market cycles, farmers saw prices move up and down in ways contrary to typical market cycles.  To help farmers mitigate the impact of the coronavirus, the Coronavirus Food Assistance program (CFAP) was released in April with program sign-up ending on September 11, 2020. Continue reading Beef Producers Should Consider Signing Up for CFAP-2

Online Mortality Composting Certification

By:  Amanda Douridas, Champaign County Ag and Natural Resources OSU Extension Educator (originally published in the Ohio Farmer on-line)

Multi-bin system with a concrete pad and wooden sides.

Composting livestock mortalities can be an efficient and inexpensive method of disposing of on-farm mortalities. Rendering facilities are becoming harder to come by and so are landfills that accept mortalities. Transportation costs are increasing as well. Composting offers a year-round alternative that may be more cost effective than other disposal methods. Once the compost cycle is complete, the finished product can be land applied to the farm’s fields as a nutrient resource. Continue reading Online Mortality Composting Certification

A conversation with OSU Extension Beef Field Specialist Garth Ruff

This interview was originally featured in the Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter.

Last week OSU Extension Educator Clifton Martin had the opportunity to visit with Garth Ruff about Garth’s recent hiring as the OSU Extension Beef Specialist and current trends in the Beef Industry. During that conversation they covered trends in Ohio, the role of the OSU Extension Beef Specialist, opportunities for outreach, the status of Beef Quality Assurance, and key opportunities for producers to stay ahead of the curve.

Enjoy that conversation here:

The transcript of this recording may be found in PDF format linked here.