Certified Livestock Manager (CLM) Webinar Series: A Summary of eBarns On-Farm Research

The OSU Extension Water Quality Team partnered with the ODA to kick off a bi-monthly, year-round webinar series. These webinars target topics related to Certified Livestock Managers (CLM). Each webinar will provide 1.5 credit hours for CLM continuing education credits as well as 1.5 credit hours for Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs). The first webinar is Monday, February, 6th from 10:am to 11:30 am. To register visit CLM Webinar Registration. Each webinar is recorded and available for later viewing. If you have any questions regarding this webinar series, please contact the OSU Water Quality Team via email at waterqualityassociates@osu.edu

2023 Vegetable Trials

The 2023 Home Garden Trials are now active. The team is looking for people excited about growing vegetables in their home gardens and then letting us know what they think. Youth and adults are welcome to participate. Each trial contains 2 varieties that you will grow side by side to compare throughout the season. You can select multiple trials. For the trial, you will receive seeds for 2 varieties, row markers, a garden layout plan to prepare your rows or beds, and growing information specific to the crop species.
For more information, visit the website at https://u.osu.edu/brown.6000/vegetable-trials/
The guidelines, cost, and past results are available on this site as well as the new vegetables in the trials. The deadline to order is February 17.

Farm Survey

Farmers, ranchers, and their partners raising children wanted! Researchers are looking for primary caregivers of children under 18 to participate in an online survey about how they are juggling children and work. Full- and part-time farmers and ranchers are welcome to participate and may choose to enter a raffle to win one of fifty $50 checks.

For questions or to request a paper survey, contact Florence Becot at 715-389-9379 or becot.florence@marshfieldresearch.org To fill out the online survey, visit this link: https://redcap.link/Survey1_FarmersRaisingChildren 

Youth Small Ruminant Webinar Series

Do you have a youth or 4-Her that is interested in raising sheep and goats? Then this is the webinar series for them. Professionals in animal science will cover nutrition, health, handling, and welfare.

The webinars are from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on the following dates:
Thursday, February 2nd
Wednesday, February 8th
Thursday, February 23rd

The zoom links are below:
February 2nd: https://osu.zoom.us/j/96195381544?pwd=NVBma0ZJTTBSa2E1WEhlVUZzZ2RvZz09#success

February 8th: https://osu.zoom.us/j/95357798856?pwd=b2IrVFhmZ0MvOGIrNk43TlB6bmFpdz09#success

February 23rd: https://osu.zoom.us/j/92373472149?pwd=dXl1Y3N5UUdsQUVOT1pCMU1LSjNrdz09#success

2023 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference

For those interested in managing the woodlands, water, and wildlife, here is an opportunity to learn just that! On Wednesday, March 1st in Mansfield, Ohio, professionals from OSU, ODNR, and EPA will discuss a variety of topics on the management of woodlands, water, and wildlife.

Early registration is $65 before February 10th and $85 after February 10. The last date to register is February 17th. Registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, breaks, and a resource notebook. More information can be accessed here. Continuing education credits for ISA, SAF, and pesticide are available. Register and pay online here.


Updates and Reminders from the Soil & Water Conservation District:

If you CURRENTLY have a 2021/2022/2023 H2Ohio Program Contract, the following are Important Details:

  • The following items need to be turned in to the Williams SWCD office by JANUARY 31, 2023, if they apply to you:
    • 2022 Crop Year Paperwork for manure, cover crop practices, and wheat for 2023 needs to be turned in by January 31, 2023
    • Subsurface placement fertilizer bills and fields that are applied to with maps
    • VRT AS Applied Maps if any fall application
    • Manure fields applied to AND As Applied Records for those fields (Manure Tool)
    • Cover crop seed tags, field maps, and date planted
  • VRT & Subsurface Payments have been made for 2022 if the producer has turned in the correct paperwork.
  • If you have not been paid for 2022 VNMP Implementation or other practices like 2022 VRT Phosphorus Application and/or Subsurface Phosphorus Placement, please contact Steve as soon as possible.

Contact Steve Slattman, Williams Soil & Water Conservation District, H2Ohio District Technician, at (419) 636-9395, with your questions.

Williams Soil & Water Conservation District Habitat Enhancement Learning Program

Do you own land and want to enhance and manage it according to the best management practices? Williams County Soil & Water Conservation invites you to attend the Habitat Enhancement Learning Program. Come, learn and have your questions answered by professionals. There is no charge to attend just RESERVE YOUR SPOT by contacting Josh Imber or Anne Marie at (419) 636-9395 or email Josh at jimber@williamsswcd.org. All sessions are from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Williams SWCD, 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier, Ohio. Session dates are January 26, February 2, 9, 23, and April 13.

Purdue Extension Steuben County Offering Beekeeping for Beginners Series

Whether you appreciate the health benefits or are just curious about these little pollinators, Purdue Extension Steuben County invites you to register for the Beekeeping for Beginners course that is open to both youth and adults. Please register by February 7th at https://bit.ly/BeginnerBees2023The cost of the entire series is $10 per adult and is free to all youth. All sessions are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Angola’s Commons Hall, 501 S. John St., Angola, IN 46703. Session dates are February 11, 18, and 25.