The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Optimize vs. Maximize in 2022

By:  Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist, OSU Extension (originally published in the Ohio Cattleman) In Extension work, I learned early on as a county educator that the seasons of the year are not your typical spring, summer, fall, and winter….

Wet Weather then a Planting Window

Wet Weather then a Planting Window

By:  Jim Noel April was a challenging month. It was a cold month with most of Ohio -1F to -3F below normal for temperatures. We saw late freezes and snow events. Because of the cold, precipitation was generally around or slightly…

Making On-Farm Trials Easy

Making On-Farm Trials Easy

By:  Taylor Dill and Elizabeth Hawkins Planting season is upon us and is a little behind in comparison to last year. Many producers are planning on evaluating input costs and management practices on their farm this season to improve economic…