Pond Clinic Scheduled for April 19

Need help managing your pond? Would you like to improve it, but don’t know how? Then plan to attend a Pond Clinic on Tuesday, April 19, at the Williams SWCD office. Program will start at 5:00 p.m. with a hot dog roast. The keynote speaker will be Mike Wilkerson from the ODNR Fisheries Management Division. Other speakers include Melanie Haines of Superior Farm Supply, Don Kimpel of Edon Farmer’s Co-op, and Stephanie Karhoff of OSU Extension Williams County. Topics covered will include will overall pond management, diagnosing pond issues, weed identification, pond aerators, and pond chemical application.

The Pond Clinic is sponsored by the Williams Soil & Water Conservation District and OSU Extension Williams County. It will be held at the Williams SWCD office at 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier. There is no cost to attend, but reservations are requested by contacting the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 by April 18. The Williams SWCD, OSU, ODA are an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.