Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure
By: Glen Arnold Wheat fields are firming up across Ohio and topdressing with nitrogen fertilizer will soon start. Given the current fertilizer prices more livestock producers may be considering applying liquid swine manure as a top-dress for wheat.
OSU Extension Williams County to Monitor Corn Pests and Pathogens
OSU Extension Williams County will be monitoring for Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) moths again during the 2022 growing season. Moths are trapped by placing pheromone traps (see picture) at the edge of corn fields throughout the county, and checked on…
Don’t Forget – Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Meeting on March 21
Do you have a Private Pesticide Applicator’s License and/or Fertilizer Certification expiring in 2022? If so, register for our re-certification session on March 21 at the Veterans Memorial Building. Fertilizer recertification (Category 15) will be from 5 – 6 pm…

Missed Conservation Tillage Conference? Register for Video Package Today – CCA Credits Included!
Exclusive access to 2022 Conservation Tillage Conference presentation recordings will be available starting March 21 for a month. If you missed Conservation Tillage Conference, you can watch ALL concurrent sessions and Steve Groff’s keynote speech, plus short messages from our…