Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day to be held at Founders Hall – January 14
The annual Northwest Ohio Corn & Soybean Day is scheduled for Friday, January 14 in Founders Hall at Sauder Village in Archbold from 8:00 am to 2:45 pm. The program has a variety of speakers, farmer/retailer re-certification credits and 30 exhibitors sharing information on management practices for the 2022 crop production season.
Topics and speakers for the day include:
Maximizing Wheat Potential, Dennis Pennington, MSU Extension
AGB Grubs… Chicken Feed or Crop Pest?, Adrian Pekarcik, PhD candidate Entomology, OSU/OARDC
Beans and Bees, Reed Johnson, Associate Professor, OSU/OARDC
I Wish It (Tar Spot) was Black Paint, Pierce Paul, Professor, Grain Pathology Specialist, OSU Extension
The ROI of the Tri-State Fertility Guide, Eric Richer, OSU Extension
Opportunities and Obstacles in Soil Compaction, Ian McDonald, Crop Innovation Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
The following continuing education credits for pesticide and fertilizer applicators are offered throughout the day:
- Private Pesticide Applicator Re-certification: 3hrs in categories Core, 1, 2, and 6.
- Commercial Pesticide Applicator Re-certification: 3.5hrs in categories Core, 2A, 2D, 9, 10C
- Fertilizer Applicator Re-certification (Private & Commercial): 1hr category 15p/15c
- Michigan: 5 hours
- Certified Crop Advisors: 6.5 hours IPM, CM, NM, and SW
Pre-registration is $40 and should be postmarked by January 3, Payment can also be made by credit card online or over the phone. Later registrations and at the door registrations are $50, space permitting. Registration includes coffee/rolls, lunch, and speaker materials. A more detailed agenda, list of sponsors and registration information can be found at Contact Eric Richer, Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources, 419-337-9210 or for more information.