Applications Available for 2022 Master Gardener Volunteer Training

Do you want to join the Ohio State University Master Gardener Volunteer Program? Applications are now available for the 2022 training class. The Ohio State University Master Gardener Program reaches hundreds of people in Williams County each year.

Volunteers receive training from OSU experts on topics such as lawns, soil health, tree identification, annual and perennial plants, insects, pest management, plant diseases and more!  Once trained, Master Gardeners volunteer for OSU Extension to increase the outreach efforts of Ohio State University throughout the community.  Some projects include conducting public seminars and workshops, hosting informational booths, and maintaining local gardens.

The training will begin March 3 and run through April 21. Applications are due February 10, 2022.  Classes will be held Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at 1425 East High St., Bryan, OH.  Cost for the complete program is $65 per person or $95 per couple for Williams County residents payable by the first class and $100 per person for non-Williams County residents. Printed applications are available at the OSU Extension Williams County Office or applications may be submitted online at