The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Cressleaf groundsel

Scout Now for Cressleaf Groundsel in Hayfields, or Pay the Price in May

By:  Mark Loux Some hay producers have been unpleasantly surprised in the past when cressleaf groundsel infestations became evident in their hay fields in May prior to first cutting.  Cressleaf groundsel in hay or silage is toxic to animals, and…

Herbicide Residue Considerations for Fall Cover Crop Establishment

Herbicide Residue Considerations for Fall Cover Crop Establishment

By:  Alyssa Essman and Mark Loux Herbicides with residual that are used in corn and soybeans can affect the establishment of fall-planted cover crops, and should be taken into account when planning cover crop practices and selecting species. Soil characteristics…

It’s been a good year for red clover, almost too good.

It’s Time to Prepare for Fall and Winter Feeding

By:  Victor Shelton, NRCS State Agronomist/Grazing Specialist The summer has flown by and, like it or not, I have to start thinking about fall activities that need to be accomplished long before winter decides to show up. It has not…

Estimating 2019 Ohio Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage County Level Payment Rates

By Ben Brown, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University- August 25, 2020 Click here to access complete article as PDF Agricultural producers across the United States are periodically allowed to enroll in federal commodity programs offered through…