The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Williams County WBC Monitoring Update – Week #5

Williams County WBC Monitoring Update – Week #5

By:  Stephanie Karhoff For the fifth week of monitoring there were 2 moths per trap (6 moths in a total of three traps). You can learn more about this pest by clicking here to access the OSU Extension Western Bean Cutworm…

Don’t Stop Managing Now: Preconditioning Pays

By:  Garth Ruff, (originally published in the Ohio Farmer) As we approach fall, now is the time to maximize the value of your spring calf crop. Cattle buyers have placed a premium on preconditioned cattle, and as preconditioning becomes more…

Adult red-headed flea beetle (P. Beauzay, NDSU)

Leafhoppers, Grasshoppers, and Beetles, Oh My!

By:  Kelley Tilmon and Andy Michel As the summer progresses we are receiving reports of insect problems often encouraged by hot, dry weather.  Last week we reported on spider mites and especially if you are in an area of continued…