Pressure Canner Testing Available at OSU Extension Williams County Office on July 21

Fulton County Food and Consumer Sciences Educator Melissa Rupp is offering pressure canner testing at the OSU Extension Williams County Office on Tuesday, July 21 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Home canning of vegetables, meat and poultry all require processing in a pressure canner to destroy the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.  Following USDA recommendations, pressure canners with dial gauges should be tested for accuracy each year to ensure safe home food preservation.

During each 15-minute appointment, the dial-gauge will be tested against a calibrated Master gauge for accuracy.  We will also do a safety check on the canner.  Educational materials may be available.  Melissa will be happy to answer your food preservation questions.

Cost is $5 per canner lid; to make an appointment, visit