Williams County Wheat Scab Forecast Update

By:  Stephanie Karhoff

Based on the wheat scab forecast tool available at http://www.wheatscab.psu.edu/ susceptible wheat varieties with a flowering date of June 3 are at high risk of developing wheat scab for a wide majority of Williams County.

Wheat scab forecast for susceptible varieties flowering on June 3. Red indicates high risk.

Meanwhile, moderately susceptible varieties are at low-medium risk and

Wheat scab forecast for moderately susceptible varieties flowering on June 3. Green indicates low risk.

Wheat scab forecast for resistant varieties flowering on June 3. Green indicates low risk.

For instructions on how to use the Fusarium risk tool, click here to access Dr. Pierce Paul’s recent article in the C.O.R.N. newsletter. If the risk is moderate-high (the map is yellow or red) at the time of flowering, you should consider applying Prosaro, Caramba, or Miravis Ace, at anthesis (flowering) or within the first 4-6 days after flowering. Disease development is favored by wet, warm conditions.

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