Williams County Wheat Scab Forecast Update
By: Stephanie Karhoff Based on the wheat scab forecast tool available at http://www.wheatscab.psu.edu/ susceptible wheat varieties with a flowering date of June 3 are at high risk of developing wheat scab for a wide majority of Williams County.
Navigating CFAP Direct Assistance: Non-Specialty Crops
Ben Brown outlines the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, producer eligibility, application process and provides an example for non-specialty crops in this short overview.
Recommendations for Soybeans Planted in June
By: Laura Lindsey While progress is way ahead of last year, soybean planting is spilling into June. (According to USDA NASS, 53% of soybean acreage was planted by May 24, 2020. Last year, at the same time, only 11% of…
2020 Leasing your Land for Shale and Solar Webinars
By: Erika Lyon, Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator, Ohio State University Extension Jefferson & Harrison Counties and Dan Lima, Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator, Ohio State University Extension Belmont County Across the state of Ohio, landowners are receiving offers to…