Extension Office Closed to Public

The Williams County office will be open until Wednesday, March 18 at 4:30 p.m. Though we are closed, all employees in our office will still be working full time from remote locations. We want to continue to serve our community, but do it in a safe way that does not contribute to the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  We will utilize all our teleworking capabilities to continue serving our clientele and communities. You should continue to feel free to call, email, etc. with any OSU Extension staff member as you normally would.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us based on your needs:

Stephanie Karhoff, Ag & Natural Resources, 419-890-1721 or karhoff.41@osu.edu
Stacey Perry, 4-H Youth Development, 419-318-9797 or perry.1735@osu.edu
Jessica Runkel, 4-H/ANR Program Assistant, 419-318-8724 or runkel.8@osu.edu
Karen Ford, Office Associate ford.806@osu.edu

We appreciate your patience during this unprecedented time and we will continue working to meet your needs.