Event Notice – Feeding Cattle for the Consumer Series
Join OSU Extension for a two-part cattle feeding and beef quality program. Part 1 on Thursday, March 19 at 5:30 p.m. (Southern Roots Ranch, 12568 CR 21 N, West Unity) will focus on cattle feeding, live animal evaluation and grid pricing. Part 2 on Thursday, April 2 at 5:30 p.m. will take place at Brookview Farms Meats (V-354 CR 24, Archbold), and will include carcass grading and fabrication.
Cost is $20 per person or $30 per family. RSVP to OSU Extension Henry County 419-592-0806 by March 13. Ribeye measuring grid and probe included in fee. Williams and Henry County Cattlemen will be providing refreshments.
Please bring pen and something to write on each evening. Dress in layers for the second night of program. It will be of greatest benefit for participants to attend both sessions.