The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
5 Things to Keep in Your Combine

5 Things to Keep in Your Combine

By:  Stephanie Karhoff With soybean harvest underway in parts of the county, it is time to clean out the combine cab, but do you have the five following items in your machine?

Hydrologic and Climate Assessment – October 8

Listen to this week’s Hydrologic and Climate Assessment, by Aaron B. Wilson of the State Climate Office of Ohio (SCOO), by clicking the image below. You may also access the video at the following link:

Late-season Frost Effects on Corn: Grain Production (Adapted from Dr. J. Lauer, Univ. of Wisconsin)

By:  Peter Thomison The following is information on the effects of late-season frost injury to corn from an article by Dr. Joe Lauer, Corn Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin ( 

Managing Corn Harvest this Fall with Variable Corn Conditions

Managing Corn Harvest this Fall with Variable Corn Conditions

By:  Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Elizabeth Hawkins, James Morris, Will Hamman Thanks to the weather we had this year, corn is variable across fields and in some areas we will be harvesting corn at higher moistures than normal. Stalk quality may…

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Is a late soybean harvest in your future?

By:  James Morris, Will Hamman, Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Elizabeth Hawkins The variability of the 2019 cropping year is continuing into harvest. With a broad range of planting dates this spring, many soybean producers will be faced with variable harvest conditions….