Some Points to Ponder as You Struggle With Decisions About Late-Planted Corn
By: Bob Nielson, Purdue University As May transitions to June, many Indiana corn growers are faced with substantial acreage yet to plant. Statewide, as of May 26 (USDA-NASS, 2019), only 22% of the state’s corn crop was estimated to have…
Managing Stress on the Farm
Farmers are no strangers to stress. Their livelihood is dependent on factors they cannot control, including weather, market volatility, and government regulations. This planting (or lack of) season is no exception thanks to Mother Nature, and the relentless rain. It…
Current Weed Issues II: Revised Herbicide Management Strategies for Late Planting
By: Mark Loux, Ohio State University We’re running about a month behind in many cases, and with respect to weeds we are a month later than normal in implementing herbicide programs. The most important thing to know about this is…
Forage Options for Prevented Planting Corn and Soybean Acres
By: Stan Smith, Ohio State University Today, as we sit here on May 28, we know three things for certain: Ohio has the lowest inventory of hay since the 2012 drought and the 4th lowest in 70 years. Ohio’s row…
Prevented Planting Decision Tools
By: Sam Custar, OSU Extension Educator We have reviewed two prevented planting decision tools that can serve as a resource in your decision making process with your crop insurance agent. Both tools also provide resources for determining replant decisions. In…