2016 Field Season Comes to an End

(August 2016)  Earlier this month, we took down the last of our trail cameras for the 2016 field season.  Between mid-March and mid-August of 2016, we conducted 2-week camera trapping surveys at a total of 37 sites — 33 within Coshocton County, and 4 in southern Holmes County.  Although we will be analyzing the data collected for some time to come, the main finding of this season’s field work is that we photo-captured bobcats at 5 new sites, 4 within Coshocton County and 1 in southern Holmes County.  To our knowledge, the Holmes County sighting represents the first verified sighting of a bobcat in that County since the extirpation of the species from the state.

Here is a photo-sampler from the 2016 season!


bobcat71 - Copy groundhog - Copy foxYY1 - Copy rabbit164 - Copy bunny_stretch2 - Copy buck047 - Copy coyote1 - Copy foxHHH0230 - Copy bobcatJuly_c - Copy bobcat03180027 - Copy fox308 - Copy turkeys152 - Copy doefawns172 - Copy deer_drink - Copy coyote081 - Copy bobcat034 - Copy turkeyswithchicks - Copy squirrel159 - Copy raccoons5 - Copy students_April_9_2016 raccoon_w_baby_1 - Copy hawk20 - Copy foxselfie221 - Copy foxfight200 - Copy deer_nursing939 - Copy bobcat114 - Copy fox1 - Copy