Are you interested in tackling problems that don’t have easy answers? Wicked science is the study of how to tackle wicked problems. Wicked problems encompass a wide range of local, national, and global challenges that require transdisciplinary collaboration as we seek more equitable and sustainable resolutions and outcomes. Wicked scientists use tools such as interdisciplinary approaches, collaboration, systemic thinking, and holistic views to address wicked problems such as deforestation and industrial pollution which frequently have global implications.
The wicked science program at Ohio State is teaching these tools and skills via a set of classes designed to expand your thinking and facilitate collaboration with other students. On this site, you can learn more about what wicked problems are, explore two case studies exemplifying the features of wicked problems, connect with other grad students and faculty interested in wicked science, and learn more about the wicked science programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Also be sure to check out recent news about the program!