Kinder Craze!


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*All screenshots taken on my own computer from the kinder-craze blog site*

I don’t follow/read very many blogs on a regular basis, but I must say that this blog is great for Early Childhood Education majors. Kinder-Craze is a blog created by Maria Manore, who is a Kindergarten teacher in Detroit. This is her personal blog where she shares her teaching resources and classroom projects with her readers. She does not show images of her students or share their names, but she shares the projects she does, gives tours of her very colorful classroom, and also gives advice.

Interested? Visit

Maria Manore also creates resources for the “Teachers Pay Teachers” website, which is how I discovered her wonderful blog in the first place. I find her blog to be of value because she shares her experiences with her readers, and offers so many great resources and activities that other teachers can easily use in their own classroom. While Maria is a Kindergarten teacher, many of the resources she blogs about can be adapted for the K-3 classroom environment, and are not restricted to only Kindergarten. In addition, she features many “DIY”(Do It Yourself) projects and tutorials, including tutorials for new bloggers and techie tutorials! How Awesome is that?

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This resource is geared for teacher use, and would not be considered a classroom blog by any means. However, I do feel it is valuable to teachers who are looking for inspiration from other teachers who are willing to offer tutorials and give advice. As we know, teaching is all about collaboration, and finding great blogs like these can really add to the dynamics of your classroom. In terms of assessment, she does post about the different things she does with her students, but again this resource is not something that would be tied to one specific assessment in general.

What About The Common Core?

As I mentioned earlier in the post, Maria is a member of the “Teachers Pay Teachers” website where she shares her resources with others. Her resources are all aligned with the Common Core, making it excellent for teachers to use who are working with these standards in their school buildings. This is definitely a blog to check out if you’re looking for great resources and a pop of color in your classroom:) 

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Kinder-Craze: A Kindergarten Teaching Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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