Dr. Peter Lee

Image result for Dr peter leeOn Tuesday, October 24th Dr. Peter Lee came to give a lecture about his life and experiences in becoming a cardiac surgeon and his career outlook. His experiences have been truly fascinating. He is a Canadian citizen who has worked across the country doing research and other medical work. His fascination with flying and space have led him to aeronautics research with NASA, Space-X, and Blue origin. It was truly amazing to see how following ones heart and interest can lead to ultimate career success.

A very insightful part of his lecture was his discussion of different paths to becoming a doctor. The varying training and degrees are all variables that affect salary, occupational responsibility, length in education and destination. All these different things are difficult to balance when looking to the future as a prospect medical student. His insight certainly helped guide me, despite of the vast span of time before such decisions are necessary for me.

As a transplant surgeon Dr.Lee spoke of some amazing experiences while quite literally saving lives. From traveling on private jets to see patients to holding a disconnected yet still beating heart, Dr. Lee has seen it all and the experiences inspired me to become a cardiomyopathy surgeon with transplant training.

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