Year in Review

Over the past two years I have matured and grown so much. I started college as a 17 year old kid with big ambitions and a defined set of goals. I wanted to become involved in the field healthcare, I want to start making a difference in peoples lives and I wanted to set myself apartĀ  with academic achievement.

In the last two years I have made great progress towards each of these goals. Starting with research I was able to be a first author on a paper and the youngest individual to ever present at the national water microbiology conference. After that experience I moved on to cardiology research at the Davis heart and lung institute. Bringing together my passion for medicine and my goal to be a cardio-thoracic surgeon. Both of these experiences have taught me so much about science but also about working collaboratively with others. In the last year I also became an Emergency Medical Technician. This is the prefect way for to help others as well as gain experience in the field of medicine. I only wish I had more time to dedicate to wroking as an EMT in the past year. Additionally, through shadoiwng surgeons and physicians I was able to see and learn so much about the occupation I hope to hold one day. I was also able to give lots of time to the community. Through organizations like habitat for humanity, STAR, OSUWMC and others I was able to make an impact on those in my community.

Academic achievement has perhaps been my greatest challenge in college so far. After my first year I was disappointing with my GPA being a 3.8;throught hard work and determination I was able to get a 4.0 while taking 2 organic chemistry classes and a physics class (which is no easy task) boosting my overall GPA to 3.92. I hope to continue in this success and boost my GPA higher through the next year.

As I move into my final year at OSU I hope to continue in these avenues. I wish to further improve my academics, do well on the MCAT, continue to volunteer and work in the field of medicine and have an impact on my community. I look forward to taking more challenging courses that are more oriented towards medicine. Perhaps most importantly, I hope to continue to forge meaningful relationships with those around me and have an enjoyable final year.

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