- The Crutch Shovel. Similar to the Shoulder Tool, but has more leverage under the arm and features a more versatile grip.
- Redesigned nail holder. A more versatile product which is reusable even with wear. Different variations of the product allow for use at different angles and with different sized nails/screws.
- The Jackup Wagon. A hydraulic jack in the middle component accompanied by a lever allow for a more versatile wagon. Regular wagon on the top with suspension wheels on the bottom.
- Forklift Wagon. A square like wagon supported by suspension wheels. The main feature of this product is the front forklift that is operated by an easy to use crank on the side.
- Modular Shoulder Tool. Pin attachments creates a more versatile leverage tool for outdoor work.
- Lazer Tape Measure. Snap on measurement tool allows for the laser to read the measurement from a distance, consistently.
- Shoulder Wheelbarrow. This contains a pin variation along with a snap hinge to support easy storage and adjustability for different users.
- Modular Arm Brace. Squeeze Grip allows for easy maneuvering of attachments. Multiple forearm braces that provide more support and leverage for the action.