Vision Statement: My goals for the next two years

My second year at OSU has been a time of learning and growth. During the spring semester, I decided to change my major to Psychology with minors in Biology and Religious Studies. Instead of going to medical school, I now want to go to graduate school for Psychology. I have a few goals for my next two years at OSU. I want to become a student manager at Curl Market on campus, where I am currently a student lead. I want to become involved in research by becoming a research assistant at a psychology lab on campus. I am going to continue to volunteer at the Wexner Medical Center and continue being the treasurer of Project Sunshine. I hope to become involved in one or two more clubs, possibly related to psychology, mental health, or service. I hope to a leader for one of the Buckeye Awakening retreats, a catholic retreat. I also plan on going on a study abroad to London in May 2021. I am going to continue attending bible study. I want to continue to raise my GPA and make more friends at OSU.

Year in Review

My first semester of college has been an overall good experience. I have grown a lot in the past few months. I have been challenged by difficult courses that have expanded my mind and forced me to work harder than I ever have. I have left my comfort zone by living two and a half hours away from home. In leaving home, I left behind my family but I have also gained amazing new friends. Two of my roommates have become my closest friends, and in just a few months we have formed a deep connection with one another. I am looking forward to the rest of my colllege career. I hope to continue to grow in my academics, as well as personally.