- Quantum Mind and Social Science, Cambridge University Press. Buy Here
- New Systems Theories of World Politics, edited by Mathias Albert, LarsErik Cederman, and Alexander Wendt, Palgrave
- “Sovereignty and the UFO” (with Raymond Duvall), Political Theory, 36(4), 607-633
- “Agency, Teleology, and the World State: A Reply to Shannon,” European Journal of International Relations, 11(4), 589-598
- “Why a World State is Inevitable,” European Journal of International Relations, 9(4), 491-542
- “The State as Person in International Theory,” Review of International Studies, 30(2), 289-316
- “Driving with the Rearview Mirror: On the Rational Science of Institutional Design,” International Organization, 55(4), 1019-1049
- “On Constitution and Causation in International Relations,” Review of International Studies, 24 (special issue), 101-117
- Social Theory of International Politics, Cambridge University Press “Best Book of the Decade” Award, the International Studies Association (2006) Buy Here
- “Hierarchy Under Anarchy: Informal Empire and the East German State” (with Daniel Friedheim), International Organization, 49, 689-721; earlier version in Thomas Biersteker and Cynthia Weber, eds. (1996), State Sovereignty as Social Construct, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 240-277
- “Constructing International Politics,” International Security, 19, 71-81
- “Collective Identity Formation and the International State,” American Political Science Review, 88, 384-396; revised as “Identity and Structural Change in International Politics,” in Yosef Lapid and Friedrich Kratochwil, eds. (1996), The Return of Culture and Identity to International Theory, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, pp. 47-66
- “Dependent State Formation and Third World Militarization” (with Michael Barnett), Review of International Studies, 19, 321-347
- “Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power 4 Politics,” International Organization, 46(2), 391-425
- “The Difference that Realism Makes: Social Science and the Politics of Consent” (with Ian Shapiro), Politics and Society, 20(2), 197-223
- “The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory,” International Organization, 41(3), 335-370
For a complete list of publications please visit the homepage and download the CV.