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Year in Review
[ “Year in Review” is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student. You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year. For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
I decided to apply for Ohio State’s Scholars program because it seemed like an opportunity for a unique community and learning experience. The global awareness aspect in particular really interested me and lead me to take interest in the International Affairs scholars group. To be a successful scholar, one has to be driven, curious, and determined. Leaders in our society tend to face those resistant to change or new ideas, however this is exactly why scholars must be persistent and focused. As someone who works with refugees, I have seen a lot coldness directed towards the refugee community especially in the past year. Personally, I feel this coldness stems from a lack of knowledge when it comes to refugees and their experiences which can also lead to a lack of empathy. Witnessing this, however, has only made me more determined to continue on my career path to become an international social worker. Along the way, i hope to do as much as I can to teach those around me about refugees and make them more empathetic as well. One way I am trying to do this is through my second year project. Since the fall of my second year, I have been mentoring a family refugees. For my project, I want to share their story and what I have learned from them as well as more information on process of seeking refuge and the refugee experience. Even though there may be bumps along the way, I know it is important to use my resources when problems may arise. These resources include, my IA adviser, my mentoring program coordinator, my social work adviser and professors, and even my peers.
As a social work major, a plan on pursuing a career in international social work. I would like to one day work with refugees and immigrants. To work towards this goal, I have made a point to get involved with refugee organizations in Columbus. I volunteered at Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS) acting as a mentor for a family of refugees. I have also been accepted into an international internship program (The Intern Group) and will spend this summer in Germany interning at a non-profit that works with refugees.
About Me
Hello, my name is Jordan Wells and I’m currently majoring in Social Work. In high school I had the privilege of consistently making the honor roll. I wish to continue this academic success in college as I work towards my long term goal of pursuing a career in social work. My plan is to one day obtain a Master’s in Social Work. With this degree, I plan to join the Peace Corps where I can fulfill my dream of helping people around the world. Not only will what I learn from the International Affairs Scholars program contribute to my success in the Peace Corps, but it will also be of use after my time there ends. After the Peace Corps, I would like to work with an agency that assists refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers.