Intersectionality Self Reflection

This paper was written for my Minority Perspectives class. The assignment was to create a multiple identities diagram, and then use that diagram to explore the concept of intersectionality in our own lives. The concept of intersectionality analyzes the various ways minority statuses are connected and effect each other. In class, we also learned how the ways these statuses interconnect effect out perceptions. For example, a white woman will experience a situation differently and have a different outlook than a black woman would, because that black woman experiences both sexism and racism. The majority of the class revolved around this idea of intersectionality. With every discussion we seemed to be able to tie it back to intersectionality. By applying this concept to my own life, it made it easier to identify the concept when it related to other examples. I often found this concept applicable in discussions in my other classes, as well as in daily life. By understanding this term, one can then understand those around him or her as well as the ways different systems of oppression effect and relate to one another.


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