October 16 is known globally as World Food Day, a day of action against world hunger.
Many people care about the issue of hunger throughout the world, but what can we do to help? Globally, there are roughly 805 million people, one in nine worldwide, that live with chronic hunger. People around the globe are making efforts to eradicate this serious and pressing issue. Farmers, agronomists, food scientists, agribusinesses, food companies, students, teachers, children, YOU, and more! Everyone has a hand in helping to move toward food security in our world!
How is Ohio State making an impact?
- Here at Ohio State, Bucks for Charity and Operation Feed are easy and effective ways to donate to organizations such as the Mid-Ohio Food Bank that are actively fighting this issue in our own communities around the Columbus area.
- Trilateral Program in Food Security
- Food Security & Access to Healthy Food (Lucas County Extension Office)
- Battle Against Hunger
- Buckeyes Against Hunger
What is the agriculture industry doing to feed a hungry world?
- Better equipment and more advanced technology. Farmers use larger and more efficient equipment today than ever before. The use of satellites and drones allows for farmers to plant, apply products, and harvest with more precision than ever before and better storage and transportation keep from food being wasted.
- More advanced knowledge of crop production and protection. First and foremost, farmers focus on soil health to ensure that their crops are getting the nutrients that they need – three main nutrients that most crops require for success nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Fertilizers and other practices, such as cover crops, keep the soil healthy and nutrient dense. Plant protection products that farmers use keep weeds, harmful insects, and diseases at bay and are a necessity for maximum yield potential.
- More effective seed varieties (such as genetically modified organisms – GMOs, hybrids, and seeds from other plant breeding techniques) allow farmers to dramatically increase their yield potential, use less product for plant protection, and use more sustainable farming techniques like no-till farming, and to produce enough food to feed people all over the world.
- More efficient livestock operations ensure that the livestock is happy, healthy, and that the operation is economical. There are many different ways to raise healthy livestock and farms of all different styles work together in order to raise a great product!
How can YOU help?
- Plan your meals according to what you have on hand. Check the fridge, freezer, and cupboard and get creative with your meals!
- Properly store your perishable items. This infographic shows how to store many different items.
- Here are some food saving tips!
- Follow this link for a two week meal plan with recipes that will not only keep you fit and healthy, but reduces the food wasted in your kitchen!