
Events at the OSU Center for Integrative Health and Wellness


10 for Life

We all want to feel better, be healthier, and live longer. Adding regular exercise to your life is part of that prescription. Our health and wellness teams here at Ohio State created the 10 for Life videos to show you how you can make this happen in short, 10 minute segments. Yes, 10 minutes of moderate exercise does count! Don’t worry if you aren’t physically active now. You can start with as little as 10 minutes a day of moderate intensity aerobic activity and build up to the recommended 150 minutes per week. Each of the 10 for Life videos shows you how to perform 3 to 4 exercises in a real OSU work setting.

Want to know more about the 10 for Life program? Email 10forlife@osumc.edu to receive more information. Here is a link to a 10 for Life video.

Morning Workout Routine

Having a hard time fitting active time into your busy schedule?  Starting your morning with the workout below not only helps to rev up your metabolism so you are able to better burn calories, but it also helps to wake your body up and get you ready for the work ahead.  The only equipment needed is your body and perseverance!

  • 80 Jumping Jacks
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 40 Sit-ups
  • 50 Squats
  • 20 Lunges (per leg)
  • 60 Second wall sit

*Number of reps can be dependent on skill level as well as amount of time allotted in the morning.  Please consult your doctor before starting any new fitness activities.

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga is a great way to improve both mental and physical health! Many people steer clear of this type of workout because it is considered difficult for those of us who aren’t the most flexible or balanced creatures, but Real Simple has a 15-minute yoga workout that may surprise you. There is no doubt that yoga takes time and patience but the link below gives a few simple moves that can have you feeling calmed and energized in just 15 minutes. Plus – they’re easy! http://www.realsimple.com/health/fitness-exercise/stretching-yoga/yoga-workout-0Please consult your doctor before starting any new fitness activities.