Public Affairs Lecture

I attended the lecture because of interest in the Public Affairs major. I have a passion for helping others and I learned that this major is a very good fit for people with an interest in making a difference. Students are offered a BA and BS track, with the BA focusing on leadership and management and the BS focusing on data analysis and economics. After taking economics next semester, I hope to see which degree would be a better fit for me. The college has a great faculty to student ratio of 15:1, with the professors having real world experience. This is important because they all know what they teach and are passionate about it. Though not required, 86% of students utilize the internship opportunites that are offered in the college. Another thing that was really nice about this major is the program is very broad, which allows students to keep their options open when it comes to careers. This is very helpful because I’m an indecisive person. This confirmed my interest in the major, knowing I won’t be stuck doing anything specific. I don’t have any other questions about this major.

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